The Bamboo Payouts Report API provides detailed information about transactional data. It allows access to information on payouts made for a specific time period, selecting data columns for custom reports, and obtaining payout details, including instruction currency, country, end-user data, payment method, and more.

URL for the Request

To access the Bamboo Payouts Report API, make a GET request to the following URLs depending on the environment:

  • Production:
  • Stage:


In the request header, the Authorization parameter must be configured by concatenating the word Basic, a space, and the Private Key of the merchant.

Request Parameters

merchantAccountIntegerMerchant account ID in Bamboo’s production environment. Contact for details.
fromStringStart date for the transaction query (format: YYYY-MM-DD).
toStringEnd date for the transaction query (format: YYYY-MM-DD).
pageIntegerPage number for pagination. The value must be greater than 0.
pageSizeIntegerNumber of records per page. The value must be greater than 0.

Request Format and Example

  • Format: {endpoint}?merchantAccount#&from=YYYY-MM-DD&To=YYYY-MM-DD&Page=#&PageSize=#

  • Example:

Response Parameters

dataarrayList of objects representing payout details.
datapayoutIdintegerUnique identifier for the payout.
datacreateddatetimeDate and time the payout was created in ISO 8601 format.
datalastUpdatedatetimeDate and time the payout was last updated in ISO 8601 format.
datastatusstringStatus of the payout. Example: Rejected.
datamerchantIdintegerUnique identifier for the associated merchant.
datamerchantNamestringName of the associated merchant.
datamerchantAccountIdintegerUnique identifier for the merchant account.
datamerchantAccountNamestringName of the merchant account.
datainputCurrencystring(3)ISO code of the input currency. Example: USD.
datainputAmountdecimalAmount of the payout in the input currency.
dataexchangeRatedecimalExchange rate applied to the payout.
datacurrencystring(3)ISO code of the output currency. Example: PEN.
dataamountdecimalAmount of the payout in the output currency.
datamerchantReferencestringUnique reference provided by the client to identify the payout.
datacustomerFirstNamestringFirst name of the beneficiary.
datacustomerLastNamestringLast name of the beneficiary.
datacustomerDocumentTypestringType of the beneficiary’s document. Example: CC.
datacustomerDocumentNumberstringBeneficiary’s document number.
datacustomerEmailstringBeneficiary’s email address. Example:
datacustomerPhonestringBeneficiary’s phone number. Example: 850.622.3790 x003.
datacustomerAddressstringBeneficiary’s address.
databankCodestringBank code associated with the payout. Example: 885.
databankNamestringName of the bank associated with the payout.
databankTypestringType of bank account. Example: 2 for savings account.
databankBranchstringAssociated bank branch.
databankNumberstringBank account number.
databankCountrystring(2)ISO code of the bank’s country. Example: US.
dataerrorCodestringError code in case of failure. Example: 902.
dataerrorDescriptionstringDescription of the error in case of failure. Example: Invalid bank account.
datapaymentMethodTypestringType of payment method. Example: BankTransfer.
datapaymentMethodstringPayment method used. Example: Payout.
datapixRandomstringRandom key for PIX payment.
datapixPhonestringPhone number for PIX payment.
datapixDocumentstringDocument associated with PIX payment.
datapixEmailstringEmail associated with PIX payment.
totalintegerTotal number of records in the response.
pageintegerCurrent page in the paginated results.
pageSizeintegerSize of the current page in the paginated results.
errorsobjectDetails of errors, if any.

Response Example

    "data": [
            "payoutId": 15913224,
            "created": "2024-10-02T11:44:18.8403663",
            "lastUpdate": "2024-10-02T12:44:18.8403663",
            "status": "Rejected",
            "merchantId": null,
            "merchantName": null,
            "merchantAccountId": 2948,
            "merchantAccountName": null,
            "inputCurrency": "USD",
            "inputAmount": 6440.66,
            "exchangeRate": null,
            "currency": "PEN",
            "amount": 24088.07,
            "merchantReference": "da53fd00-aa30-54aa-eff7-898eb1f41542",
            "customerFirstName": "Jhon",
            "customerLastName": "Doe",
            "customerDocumentType": "CC",
            "customerDocumentNumber": "32509767",
            "customerEmail": "",
            "customerPhone": "850.622.3790 x003",
            "customerAddress": "10516 Auer Highway, East Meggieland, Antigua and Barbuda",
            "bankCode": "885",
            "bankName": null,
            "bankType": "2",
            "bankBranch": null,
            "bankNumber": null,
            "bankCountry": null,
            "errorCode": "902",
            "errorDescription": "Invalid bank account",
            "paymentMethodType": "BankTransfer",
            "paymentMethod": "Payout",
            "pixRandom": null,
            "pixPhone": null,
            "pixDocument": null,
            "pixEmail": null
    "total": 1,
    "page": 1,
    "pageSize": 1,
    "errors": null
Last modified February 20, 2025

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