Payout Report
To navigate the Payout report, open your Merchant console and select Payout, then Payouts Report.
On this screen, you have two sections: Filters and Payout list.
Filter section
In the first section, you have the search criteria where you can combine one or more attributes to search a given Payout.
Click the Filters button to show all available filters.
You can include and combine any of the following parameters as search criteria.
- Creation date range - By default, the range is set from three to one day before the current date.
- Payout Id
- Reference
- Country
- Final status
- Bank name
In addition to fixed search parameters mentioned before, you can select an attribute in the Description field and define an operator (Is, Includes, Greater than, Lesser than) to compare against a value. You have available the following parameters:
Furthermore, you can use the Download button at the bottom of the section to get an Excel file with the search results.
Payout list section
In the Second section, you find the list of payouts requested. By default, The Payout list section shows all the payout you have requested in all your accounts, you can filter by a given account using the Account combobox in the top right corner.
The Account filter is only available when you have multiple accounts with different currencies.
In this section you have the following columns:
Column | Description |
Id | Unique number generated by Bamboo to identify the Payout. |
Reference | Identifier you choose in the request to identify the Payout. |
Creation Date | The date when the system created the Payout. |
Status | The most recent status of the Payout. For more information, refer to Payout status. |
Payee | Name of the third-party benefit of the Payout. |
Country | Country of the payee. |
Source Amount | Amount of the Payout in the source currency. |
Target Amount | Amount of the Payout in the target currency. |
To see the details of a payout, click it in the table. The following window appears.
Click the More details button for further details of the Payout and its status log.