Payout Preview

The Payouts API allows you to request multiple payments using the balance available in your account.

Payout Preview

The Payout preview method allows you to show the final value received by the payee and the expected date when the payee will receive the money.


Request URL

You must invoke a POST request to the following URLs according to your needs.

  • Production:
  • Stage:

Request parameters

The following table shows the mandatory and optional parameters for the Payout preview.

amountnumberYesAmount of the Payout, the format has two digits for decimals.
Example 100 => $ 1,00.
destinationCountryIsoCodestring(2)YesISO code of the country in the format ISO 3166-2.
List of countries available for Payouts.
destinationCurrencyIsoCodestring(3)Yes *ISO code of the destination currency.
Find the currencies list here
originalCurrencyIsoCodestring(3)YesISO code of the origin currency.
Find the currencies list here

* If the parameter is not provided, the system will default to the currency of the destination country (parameter destinationCountryIsoCode).

Request example

  "amount": 1000,
  "destinationCountryIsoCode": "CO",
  "destinationCurrencyIsoCode": "COP",
  "originalCurrencyIsoCode": "USD"

Response parameters

amountInOrignalCurrencynumberValue requested in the Payout preview.
feenumberAmount charged by Bamboo to process the Payout. You or the payee can assume the fee according to your contract.
amountToBeSentInOrignalCurrencynumberThe amount to be sent to the Payee, which is calculated as the difference between amountInOrignalCurrency and fee.
exchangeRatenumberConversion value between the origin and target currencies. This parameter includes up to 5 decimal places.
amountToBeSentInLocalCurrencynumberThe amount received by the payee, which is calculated by multiplying amountToBeSentInOriginalCurrency by exchangeRate.
expectedPaymentDatedatetimeIndicates the estimated date of payment.
validUntildatetimeIndicates the time until the exchange rate will be fixed, after the indicated time the exchange rate can be changed.
The time shown is UTC-0.
errorsobjectErrors that may appear. The error codes for this method start with 6.
Find the possible errors here.
errorsErrorCodestringInternal code of the error. Find the possible errors here.
errorsPropertyNamestringProperty that triggered the error.
errorsMessagestringError description.

Response example

  "amountInOrignalCurrency": 5.09,
  "fee": 0,
  "amountToBeSentInOrignalCurrency": 5.09,
  "exchangeRate": 39.3664547250,
  "amountToBeSentInLocalCurrency": 200.37,
  "expectedPaymentDate": "2024-09-12T00:00:00Z",
  "validUntil": "2024-09-10T15:19:17Z",
  "error": null
Last modified February 20, 2025

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