Getting Started

The Payouts API allows you to request multiple payments using the balance available in your account.

To learn more about Payouts, refer to this article.

Configuring the authentication

All methods used in Payouts API require the following authentication headers.

Content-Typeapplication/jsonWith this header, the request will be transmitted in JSON format.
AuthorizationBasic {{MerchantPrivateKey}}Send the {{MerchantPrivateKey}} (your merchant identifier) and the word Basic.
Example: Basic RVkeL-s86_iTzSMLvDtuyQ-1zqIcsmF-coSzncn_uFvQnj7b-B3rtZg__
DigitalSignature{{DigitalSignature}}Signature to validate the transaction using the HmacSHA256 algorithm. This header is mandatory only for Payout creation.

Signing the message

Build the hash using the parameters country, amount, currency, reference, and type of the Request. When signing the onboarding contract with Bamboo, the secret-key and MerchantPrivateKey are provided to you.

Signature sample code

var json = JSON.parse(;
let signdata = {, Amount: json.amount,Currency:json.currency, Reference:json.reference, Type: json.type};
var data = JSON.stringify(signdata);
var hexHash = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256(data, secret-key);
var hash = hexHash.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Hex);

API methods

The Payouts API offers four primary methods that you can use when requesting Payouts.

Get Bank list

This method lets you get the list of available banks in a country.

Request URL

You must invoke a GET request to the following URLs according to your needs.

  • Production:{{Country}}
  • Stage:{{Country}}

Where {{Country}} represents the ISO code of the country you wish to inquire about, using the ISO 3166-2 format. List of countries available for Payouts.

Response parameters

idinteger-Internal identification of the bank.
countryIsoCodestring2Country to which the bank belongs.
bankCodestring4Internal code of the bank used in the parameter payee.bankaccount.codebank when requesting a Payout.
bankNamestring-Name of the bank.
payoutTypeinteger-Payout type. Set any of the following values:
  • 1 for Cash.
  • 2 for Bank Transfer.
  • 3 for Wallet.
  • 4 for Instant Bank Transfer in Brazil.

Response example

[ {
    "id": 680,
    "countryIsoCode": "CO",
    "bankCode": "1507",
    "bankName": "NEQUI",
    "payoutType": 3
    "id": 609,
    "countryIsoCode": "CO",
    "bankCode": "1058",
    "payoutType": 2
} ]
Last modified December 30, 2024

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