Embedded Checkout Form

Corresponds to a payment form embedded on its page, simplifying and securing the capture of sensitive data for the processing of online payments.

The difference between this form, and Checkout Form mentioned before is that you must invoke this form inside a custom page.

Integrating this form into your site or app provides users with a simplified and responsive payment experience suitable for web and mobile applications.

Import of the JavaScript Library

Find the functionalities of the Embedded Checkout form in a JavaScript library, which must be imported into the client’s website directly from a public URL of our platform.

 <script src="{api_environment}/v1/Scripts/PWCheckoutNoModal.js?key={PublicAccountKey}" type="text/javascript"></script>

Next, like the following example, you must define an iframe inside a custom commerce web on which the capture form renders.

Create a div to insert the iframe:

<div id="iframeDiv" style="height: 410px; width: 300px; margin: auto;"></div>

Create the iframe by JavaScript:

var main_iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
var iframeDiv = $("#iframeDiv");
main_iframe.id = "custom_iframe";

// Append iframe to div

Or create the iframe directly on HTML:

<iframe id="custom_iframe" style="height: 410px; width: 300px;"></iframe>

Next, you must set the IframeId for the method SetProperties, like the following example:

      "iframeId": "custom_iframe",

Finally, you must invoke LoadIframe() method, which get and renders the capture form in the custom iframe generated:


Last modified March 6, 2025

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