Transaction Report API

The Bamboo Transaction Report API offers detailed transactional data retrieval. It enables users to access transaction information for specified time periods, select specific data columns for customized reports and obtain comprehensive transaction details, including buyer information, payment methods, and transaction statuses.

Request URL

You must invoke a GET request to the following URLs according to your needs.

  • Production:
  • Stage:


In the header, the Authorization parameter must be configured by concatenating the word Basic, a space and the Private Key of the merchant.

Request parameters

merchantAccountIntegerYesThe unique identifier for the merchant account
fromStringYesStart date for the transaction query (format: YYYY-MM-DD)
toStringYesEnd date for the transaction query (format: YYYY-MM-DD)
pageIntegerYesPage number for pagination
pageSizeIntegerYesNumber of records per page
columnsArrayNoArray of specific columns to include in the response (empty array returns all columns)

Request example

    "merchantAccount": 1,
    "columns": []

Response Parameters

successBooleanIndicates if the request was successful
messageStringProvides additional information about the response
dataArrayArray of transaction objects containing the following fields:
dataTransactionIdIntegerUnique identifier for the transaction
dataTypeStringType of transaction (e.g., “Purchase”, “Refund”)
dataCreatedDate-timeDate and time when the transaction was created
dataStatusStringStatus of the transaction (e.g., “Approved”, “Rejected”)
dataError_codeStringError code if applicable
dataAmountDecimalAmount of the transaction
dataCurrencyStringCurrency of the transaction
dataCountryStringCountry where the transaction occurred
dataTransaction_sourceStringSource of the transaction
dataTenantStringName of the tenant
dataMerchant_accountStringName of the merchant account
dataPayment_method_typeStringType of payment method used
dataPayment_methodStringSpecific payment method used
dataCard_binStringBank Identification Number (6 digits)
dataCard_last4StringLast 4 digits of the card
dataOrderStringOrder identifier
dataUnique_idStringUnique identifier for the transaction
dataAuthorization_codeStringAuthorization code for the transaction
dataInstallmentsIntegerNumber of installments if applicable
dataIssuerStringName of the issuing bank
dataCustomer_nameStringFull name of the customer
dataCustomer_document_typeStringType of identification document
dataCustomer_document_numberStringIdentification document number
dataCustomer_emailStringEmail address of the customer
totalIntegerTotal number of records matching the query
pageIntegerCurrent page number
pageSizeIntegerNumber of records per page
errorsArrayArray of error messages if any occurred during the request processing

Response example

  "Response": {
    "Data": [
        "TransactionId": 15660802,
        "Type": "Purchase",
        "Created": "2024-08-01T21:34:34.1308881",
        "Status": "Approved",
        "Amount": 4279,
        "Currency": "BRL",
        "Country": "BR",
        "Transaction_source": "DirectPurchase",
        "Tenant": "Bamboo.BR",
        "Merchant_account": "Loja Virtual BR",
        "Payment_method_type": "PrePaid",
        "Payment_method": "VISA",
        "Card_bin": "426717",
        "Card_last4": "5636",
        "Order": "f4bb4b41-2476-41ce-ac7a-ad3e6e50d77e",
        "Unique_id": "f922b26e-76af-476d-aada-502a46e3c365",
        "Authorization_code": "202597",
        "Installments": 1,
        "Issuer": "VISA",
        "Customer_name": "Maria Silva",
        "Customer_document_type": "24",
        "Customer_document_number": "12345678900",
        "Customer_email": ""
        "TransactionId": 15919451,
        "Type": "Refund",
        "Created": "2024-08-04T14:22:43.4766824",
        "Status": "Rejected",
        "Error_code": "TR019",
        "Amount": 8560,
        "Currency": "BRL",
        "Country": "BR",
        "Transaction_source": "DirectPurchase",
        "Tenant": "Bamboo.BR",
        "Merchant_account": "Loja Online BR",
        "Payment_method_type": "PrePaid",
        "Payment_method": "MasterCard",
        "Card_bin": "569130",
        "Card_last4": "8461",
        "Order": "9cdc4d58-3aa9-4f2c-b204-8c2c96ab6bd7",
        "Unique_id": "b5caf213-d76e-4d15-b691-6b0fccb16e86",
        "Authorization_code": "526661",
        "Installments": 1,
        "Issuer": "MasterCard",
        "Customer_name": "João Santos",
        "Customer_document_type": "24",
        "Customer_document_number": "98765432100",
        "Customer_email": ""
    "Page": 2,
    "PageSize": 2,
    "Total": 4
  "Errors": []
Last modified September 19, 2024

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