Statement Report API

Statement Movements API provides access to detailed financial data. It enables merchants to retrieve an overview of their account’s monetary activities within specified time periods. Includes all credits (incoming funds), debits (outgoing payments or fees), and costs.

Request URL

You must invoke a GET request to the following URLs according to your needs.

  • Production:
  • Stage:

Remember to include your merchant’s Private Key in the request headers.
For more details, check our Authentication Guide.

Request parameters

fromStringYesStart date for the transaction query (format: YYYY-MM-DD)
toStringYesEnd date for the transaction query (format: YYYY-MM-DD)
pageIntegerYesPage number for pagination
pageSizeIntegerYesNumber of records per page

Format and example of the request (Request)

  • Format: {endpoint}?From=YYYY-MM-DD&To=YYYY-MM-DD&Page=#&PageSize=#

  • Example:

Response Parameters

DataArrayArray of transaction objects
DatatransactionidStringTransaction ID associated with this financial movement
DatamovementidIntegerIdentifier for the financial movement
DatacreatedStringDate and time when the financial movement was created
DatatypeStringType of transaction (e.g., Refund, Purchase, Payout" , Fee, FX, Withdrawal, Debit adjustment, Credit adjustment.)
DatacountryStringCountry code where the transaction occurred ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format
DatacurrencyStringCurrency code for the financial movement
DatasignStringIndicates if the amount is a credit or debit
DataamountIntegerTransaction amount
DataavailabledateStringDate when the funds become available
DatareferenceidStringReference ID for the transaction
DataendusernotesStringAny notes associated with the transaction
DataexchangerateNumberExchange rate used (if applicable)
DatastatusStringCurrent status of the transaction
Datamerchant_account_idIntegerID of the merchant account
Datamerchant_account_nameStringName of the merchant account
Datamerchant_idIntegerID of the merchant
Datamerchant_nameStringName of the merchant
Datapayment_methodStringPayment Method used
Datapayment_media_brandStringBrand of the payment method (if applicable)
Datalast_status_dateStringDate of the last status update
PageIntegerCurrent page number
PageSizeIntegerNumber of records per page
TotalIntegerTotal number of records matching the query
ErrorsArrayArray of error messages if any occurred during the request processing

Response example

  "Response": {
    "Data": [
        "TransactionId": 17041776,
        "Type": "Refund",
        "Created": "2024-08-12T13:44:18.397",
        "Status": "Confirmed",
        "Amount": -1,
        "Currency": "USD",
        "Country": "PE",
        "Transaction_source": "BankTransfer",
        "Tenant": "Global Retail Group",
        "Merchant_account": "ACME Online Store",
        "Payment_method_type": "BankTransfer",
        "Payment_method": null,
        "Card_bin": null,
        "Card_last4": null,
        "Order": "REF123456",
        "Unique_id": null,
        "Authorization_code": null,
        "Installments": 1,
        "Issuer": null,
        "Customer_name": null,
        "Customer_document_type": null,
        "Customer_document_number": null,
        "Customer_email": null
    "Page": 1,
    "PageSize": 10,
    "Total": 1
  "Errors": []
Last modified February 20, 2025

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