Get Transaction

GET Transaction allows merchants to query any transaction type, such as purchase, refund, providing detailed information about the operation.

Get Transaction by ID

You must invoke a GET request to the following URLs according to your needs.

Request URL

  • Production:{{TransactionId}}
  • Stage:{{TransactionId}}

Where {{TransactionId}} is the identifier of the transaction you want to retrieve.

Remember to include your merchant’s Private Key in the request headers.
For more details, check our Authentication Guide.

Response parameters

The response includes details about the transaction according to its type. The following table describes all possible fields in the response.

TransactionIdstringUnique identifier for the transaction. A 19-digit number sent as a string for compatibility.
TypestringTransaction Type. PURCHASE or REFUND.
ResultstringOutcome of the transaction. COMPLETED or ACTION_REQUIRED. See the “Action” object for instructions.
StatusstringCurrent status of the transaction (e.g., Approved, Rejected).
ErrorCodestringError code if the transaction was rejected.
ErrorDescriptionstringDetailed description of the error if the transaction was rejected.
CreatedstringTimestamp of when the transaction was created, in ISO 8601 format.
AuthorizationDatestringTimestamp of when the transaction was authorized, in ISO 8601 format.
AuthorizationCodestringUnique code provided by the issuer to confirm the transaction authorization.
AmountintegerTotal transaction amount.
CurrencystringCurrency code used for the transaction. May differ from the request currency based on business agreements.
InstallmentsintegerNumber of payment installments for the transaction.
TaxableAmountintegerAmount subject to taxes.
TipintegerTip amount.
UrlstringLink to access additional transaction details.
MetadataOutobjectAdditional metadata returned with the transaction response.
ActionobjectDetails of required actions when Result is “ACTION_REQUIRED”.
PaymentMethodobjectInformation about the payment method used for the transaction.

Response examples

    "TransactionId": "79632697147789184",
    "Type": "PURCHASE",
    "Result": "COMPLETED",
    "Status": "APPROVED",
    "ErrorCode": null,
    "ErrorDescription": null,
    "Created": "2024-08-07T17:51:54.620",
    "AuthorizationDate": "2024-08-07T17:51:56.879",
    "AuthorizationCode": "839936",
    "Amount": 25000,
    "Currency": "BRL",
    "Installments": 2,
    "TaxableAmount": null,
    "Tip": null,
    "Url": "",
    "MetadataOut": null,
    "Action": null,
    "PaymentMethod": {
      "Brand": "Visa",
      "CardOwner": "João Silva",
      "Bin": "450799",
      "IssuerBank": "Banco do Brasil",
      "Type": "CreditCard",
      "Expiration": "203008",
      "Last4": "4905"

    "TransactionId": "148906700189999616",
    "Type": "REFUND",
    "Result": "COMPLETED",
    "Status": "APPROVED",
    "ErrorCode": null,
    "ErrorDescription": null,
    "Created": "2025-02-14T21:42:03.880",
    "AuthorizationDate": "2025-02-14T21:42:03.880",
    "AuthorizationCode": "148906702232630112",
    "Amount": -2058800,
    "Currency": "COP",
    "Installments": 1,
    "TaxableAmount": null,
    "Tip": null,
    "Url": "",
    "Action": null,
    "PaymentMethod": {
      "Brand": "Visa",
      "CardOwner": "Juan Gonzalez",
      "Bin": "450799",
      "IssuerBank": "Banco do Brasil",
      "Type": "CreditCard",
      "Expiration": "203008",
      "Last4": "4905"

    "TransactionId": "148906700189999616",
    "Type": "REFUND",
    "Result": "COMPLETED",
    "Status": "APPROVED",
    "ErrorCode": null,
    "ErrorDescription": null,
    "Created": "2025-02-14T21:42:03.880",
    "AuthorizationDate": "2025-02-14T21:42:03.880",
    "AuthorizationCode": "148906702232630112",
    "Amount": -2058800,
    "Currency": "COP",
    "Installments": 1,
    "TaxableAmount": null,
    "Tip": null,
    "Url": "",
    "MetadataOut": {
      "RefundBankAccountNumber": "132132********2132",
      "RefundBankId": "1063",
      "RefundBankName": "BANCO FINANDINA S.A.",
      "RefundBankAccountType": "Saving"
    "Action": null,
    "PaymentMethod": {
      "Brand": "PseAvanza",
      "CardOwner": null,
      "Bin": null,
      "IssuerBank": null,
      "Type": "BankTransfer",
      "Expiration": null,
      "Last4": null
Last modified February 20, 2025

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