
Empower your e-commerce with Bamboo’s plugins. Seamless VTEX integration for Uruguay, plus solutions for major platforms. Boost sales with flexible payment options and real-time processing.

Available Integrations

VTEX (Specialized for Uruguay)

Activate Bamboo as your primary payment method in VTEX to start processing transactions immediately. Our plugin is optimized for the Uruguayan market, offering local payment methods and compliance with regional regulations, while also supporting international transactions.

Key Features:

  • Comprehensive support for Uruguayan payment methods
  • Real-time transaction updates
  • Installment options popular in Uruguay
  • Dual currency support:
    • Local currency processing for domestic transactions
    • Cross-border support for international sales

What's next?

VTEX Connector

Integrate Bamboo’s payment services into your VTEX e-commerce store. Step-by-step guide for merchants in Uruguay to set up, configure, and optimize Bamboo payments in VTEX.

Last modified September 19, 2024

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