Create Payment Link

Create payment links and QR codes dynamically via API. Generate customizable payment URLs for transactions with options for branding and flexible configurations.

Creates a new payment request that generates a payment URL and optionally a QR code.

Request URL

You must invoke a POST request to the following URLs according to your needs:

  • Production:
  • Stage:

Remember to include your Merchant’s Private Key in the request headers.
For more details, check our Authentication Guide.

Request Parameters

amountintegerYesPayment amount in the smallest currency unit (e.g., 123450 represents 1,234.50)
currencyCodestringYesCurrency code in ISO 4217 alpha-3 format (e.g., UYU, USD)
paymentTypestringYesType of payment. Must be “QR” to enable QR code generation or “CheckoutPro” only for Payment Link. When set to “QR”, the qrImageOptions object becomes optional. For any other payment type, qrImageOptions must be null
orderNumberstringNoMerchant’s order identifier
installmentsinteger[]NoList of installments. If not provided, takes default for each payment method configured in Merchant Portal. If not configured in Merchant Dashboard, takes 1
validForMinutesintegerNoPayment link validity time, after which it cannot be processed. Default: 15 minutes. Can only be reduced, not increased
notificationUrlstringNoURL to notify the payment status. A default can be configured in Merchant Dashboard.
metadataInobjectNoAdditional data specific to each country and acquirer

MetadataIn Object

metadataIninvoiceNumberstringNoInvoice number associated with the sale
metadataInisFinalConsumerstringNoIndicates if the sale is to a final consumer. Values: true, false
metadataIntaxableAmountstringNoVAT taxable amount

QRImageOptions Object

qrImageOptionscontentTypestringNoDefines how the QR code content will be structured:
encodedJson: Encodes payment data as Base64 JSON. This prevents QR scanners from automatically opening URLs.
url: Embeds the RedirectUrl directly in the QR code for easy scanning and immediate redirection.
Default: encodedJson
qrImageOptionsencodedJsonPrefixstringNoPrepends the Base64 encoded payment information with this prefix. Useful for custom URL schemes in mobile apps.
qrImageOptionserrorCorrectionLevelstringNoSets the QR code’s error correction capability:
low: 7% error tolerance
medium: 15% error tolerance
quartile: 25% error tolerance
high: 30% error tolerance
Default: quartile
qrImageOptionsimageFormatstringNoSpecifies the pixel format of the image:
rgb24: 8-bit RGB color (3 channels)
argb32: 8-bit ARGB color with alpha channel (4 channels)
Default: rgb24
qrImageOptionsimagePixelFormatstringNoSpecifies the image format: PNG, BMP, GIF, JPEG, PBM, TGA, TIFF, WEBP.
Default: png
qrImageOptionsscaleintegerNoWidth and height, in pixels, of each module of the QR code.
Default: 10
qrImageOptionsborderintegerNoNumber of border modules added to each side of the QR code image.
Default: 2
qrImageOptionsforegroundColorstringNoQR code color. Accepts color names or hex values.
Default: “black”
qrImageOptionsbackgroundColorstringNoBackground color. Accepts color names or hex values.
Default: “white”
qrImageOptionsborderColorstringNoBorder color. Accepts color names or hex values.
Default: Same as backgroundColor.
qrImageOptionsembeddedImageNamestringNoName of a pre-loaded image in the Merchant Portal to display in the center of the QR code.
qrImageOptionsembeddedImageRelativeWidthfloatNoSize of the embedded image relative to the QR code width. Example: 0.25 means the image will occupy 25% of the QR code width. If not specified, the image retains its original size.

Important: This object is optional when paymentType is “QR” and must be null for any other payment type.

Request Example

    "amount": 146400,
    "currencyCode": "UYU",
    "paymentType": "qr",
    "orderNumber": "abc123",
    "installments": [1, 3, 6, 12],
    "validForMinutes": 10080,
    "notificationUrl": "",
    "metadataIn": {
      "invoiceNumber": "def456",
      "isFinalConsumer": "true",
      "taxableAmount": "12000"
    "qrImageOptions": {
      "encodedJsonPrefix": "myapp://payment?data=",
      "errorCorrectionLevel": "high",
      "foregroundColor": "#000000",
      "embeddedImageName": "company-logo",
      "embeddedImageRelativeWidth": 0.25


  "paymentId": "15d191b1-ddf7-4664-884f-e3bd99a9da79",
  "redirectUrl": "",
  "validForMinutes": 10080,
  "qrImage": "...",
  "isSuccess": true,
  "errors": []
Last modified February 20, 2025

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