Cash Payments

Learn how to integrate your solution to process payments with Cash using Pago Express.

Pago Express

Pago Express is a popular method for paying bills and services in Paraguay, offering convenience and accessibility throughout the country. The customer needs to provide the payment code in a physical branch of Pago Express and complete the payment. Then, Pago Express notifies us, and we report to the merchant.

Request parameters

You need to include specific fields for this payment method to work correctly. Check the Purchase operation article for details on authentication, languages of the response, and basic purchase parameters such as amount and currency.

PaymentMethodstringYesFind the value in the table Payment Method.
TargetCountryISOstringYesIndicate the destination country.
CustomerEmailstringYesCustomer’s email.
CustomerFirstNamestringYesCustomer’s first name.
CustomerLastNamestringYesCustomer’s last name.
CustomerDocumentTypestringNoCustomer’s document type.
Refer to the Document types table to see the possible values.
CustomerDocumentNumberstringNoCustomer’s Document Number.
CustomerPhoneNumberstringNoCustomer’s phone number.
CustomerAddressCountrystringNoCustomer’s Country.
CustomerAddressStatestringNoCustomer’s State.
CustomerAddressCitystringNoCustomer’s City.
CustomerAddressAddressDetailstringNoCustomer’s Address Detail.
CustomerAddressPostalCodestringNoCustomer’s Postal Code.
MetaDataInPaymentExpirationInMinutesnumericNoConfigure the validity of the generated debt using this field, specifying the duration in minutes. The API applies a default value if you don’t provide this information.

Request example

    "PaymentMethod": "PEX",
    "Order": "12345678",
    "Amount": 10000,
    "TargetCountryISO": "PY",
    "MetadataIn": {
        "PaymentExpirationInMinutes": "43800"
    "Currency": "USD",
    "Capture": true,
    "Customer": {
        "FirstName": "Jaime",
        "LastName": "Benitez",
        "PhoneNumber": "090000001",
        "Email": "",
        "DocumentNumber": "1223334444",
        "DocumentType": "RUC.PY"

Response parameters

In the response, you find the parameter MetadataOut.PaymentCode with the reference number of the generated debt that the customer must present in a Pago Express agency to pay the debt. Furthermore, the parameter MetadataOut.PaymentExpirationDate displays the validity date in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS).

Response example

    "TransactionId": "128598955264065792",
    "Result": "COMPLETED",
    "Status": "PENDING",
    "ErrorCode": null,
    "ErrorDescription": null,
    "Created": "2024-12-20T20:46:20.199",
    "AuthorizationDate": "2024-12-20T20:46:20.674",
    "AuthorizationCode": "",
    "Amount": 1000,
    "Currency": "PYG",
    "Installments": 1,
    "TaxableAmount": null,
    "Tip": null,
    "Url": "",
    "MetadataOut": {
        "PaymentCode": "1244788",
        "PaymentMerchantId": "772",
        "PaymentExpirationDate": "2023-10-14T03:14:54-03:00"
    "Action": null,
    "PaymentMethod": {
        "Brand": "PagoExpress",
        "CardOwner": null,
        "Bin": null,
        "IssuerBank": null,
        "Type": "PhysicalNetwork",
        "Expiration": null,
        "Last4": null
Last modified February 20, 2025

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