Credit and Debit cards

Learn how to integrate your solution to process credit or debit card payments.

You can create the purchase using API or Redirection flow.


  • Debit cards using the API flow is available for full capture (Purchase operation).
  • The CVV is mandatory for debit cards.
  • The maximum time to confirm a transaction is seven calendar days.
  • Chile does not support decimal amounts, so all received amount values will be rounded.

Card payments using API flow

Using this flow, you can offer the possibility to receive payments using cards without the intervention of the payer.

Request parameters

You need to include specific fields for this payment method to work correctly. Check the Purchase operation article for details on authentication, languages of the response, and basic purchase parameters such as amount and currency.

TrxTokenstringYesThe token that identifies the customer’s card.
For more information about how to create the token, refer to Customers.
TargetCountryISOstringYesIndicate the destination country.
CustomerEmailstringYesCustomer’s email.
CustomerFirstNamestringNoCustomer’s first name.
CustomerLastNamestringNoCustomer’s last name.
CustomerDocumentTypeIdnumericNoCustomer’s document type.
Refer to the Document types table to see the possible values.
CustomerDocNumberstringNoCustomer’s Document Number.
CustomerPhoneNumberstringNoCustomer’s phone number.
CustomerBillingAddressCountrystringNoCustomer’s Country.
CustomerBillingAddressStatestringNoCustomer’s State.
CustomerBillingAddressCitystringNoCustomer’s City.
CustomerBillingAddressAddressDetailstringNoCustomer’s Address Detail.
CustomerBillingAddressPostalCodestringNoCustomer’s Postal Code.

Request example

    "TrxToken": "OT__S5iqUBO8ZQCdfjtSIrTR_0-bknqY42K14jiYpVJ8SzQ_",
    "Capture": "true",
    "Amount": 100,
    "Order": "ORD1233",
    "Currency": "CLP",
    "TargetCountryISO": "CL",
    "Installments": 1,
    "Customer": {
        "Email": "",
        "FirstName": "Jaime",
        "LastName": "Gonzalez"
    "Description": "Prueba transaccion API"

Response parameters

For more information on the response parameters, please refer to the Response parameters section of the Purchase creation.

Response example

    "Response": {
        "PurchaseId": 1133755,
        "Created": "2023-08-31T20:05:27.780",
        "TrxToken": null,
        "Order": "ORD1233",
        "Transaction": {
            "TransactionID": 1152672,
            "Created": "2023-08-31T20:05:27.780",
            "AuthorizationDate": "",
            "TransactionStatusId": 1,
            "Status": "Approved",
            "ErrorCode": "",
            "Description": " ",
            "ApprovalCode": null,
            "Steps": [
                    "Step": "Generic External",
                    "Created": "",
                    "Status": null,
                    "ResponseCode": "",
                    "ResponseMessage": "AUTHORIZED",
                    "Error": "",
                    "AuthorizationCode": "1213",
                    "UniqueID": null,
                    "AcquirerResponseDetail": "AUTHORIZED"
        "Capture": true,
        "Amount": 100,
        "OriginalAmount": 100,
        "TaxableAmount": 0,
        "Tip": 0,
        "Installments": 1,
        "Currency": "CLP",
        "Description": "Prueba transaccion API",
        "Customer": {
            "CustomerId": 250623,
            "Created": "2023-08-31T20:04:44.033",
            "CommerceCustomerId": null,
            "Owner": "Anonymous",
            "Email": "",
            "Enabled": true,
            "ShippingAddress": null,
            "BillingAddress": null,
            "Plans": null,
            "AdditionalData": null,
            "PaymentProfiles": [
                    "PaymentProfileId": 255370,
                    "PaymentMediaId": 1,
                    "Created": "2023-08-31T20:04:44.033",
                    "LastUpdate": "2023-08-31T20:04:50.143",
                    "Brand": "VISA",
                    "CardOwner": "Jhon Doe Chile",
                    "Bin": "405188",
                    "IssuerBank": "Visa",
                    "Installments": "1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16;17;18;19;20;21;22;23;24",
                    "Type": "CreditCard",
                    "IdCommerceToken": 0,
                    "Token": null,
                    "Expiration": "202910",
                    "Last4": "6623",
                    "Enabled": null,
                    "DocumentNumber": null,
                    "DocumentTypeId": null,
                    "ExternalValue": null,
                    "AffinityGroup": null
            "CaptureURL": null,
            "UniqueID": null,
            "URL": "",
            "FirstName": "Jaime",
            "LastName": "Gonzalez",
            "DocNumber": null,
            "DocumentTypeId": null,
            "PhoneNumber": null,
            "ExternalValue": null
        "RefundList": null,
        "PlanID": null,
        "UniqueID": null,
        "AdditionalData": null,
        "CustomerUserAgent": null,
        "CustomerIP": null,
        "URL": "",
        "DataUY": {
            "IsFinalConsumer": false,
            "Invoice": null,
            "TaxableAmount": 0
        "DataDO": {
            "Invoice": null,
            "Tax": 0
        "Acquirer": {
            "AcquirerID": 79,
            "Name": "Transbank Api",
            "CommerceNumber": null
        "CommerceAction": null,
        "PurchasePaymentProfileId": 255370,
        "LoyaltyPlan": null,
        "DeviceFingerprintId": null,
        "MetadataIn": null,
        "MetadataOut": null,
        "CrossBorderData": null,
        "CrossBorderDataResponse": {
            "TargetCountryISO": "CL",
            "TargetCurrencyISO": "CLP",
            "TargetAmount": 1
        "Redirection": null,
        "IsFirstRecurrentPurchase": false,
        "AntifraudData": {
            "AntifraudFingerprintId": null,
            "AntifraudMetadataIn": null
        "PaymentMediaId": null,
        "PurchaseType": 1,
        "HasCvv": null,
        "TargetCountryISO": null
    "Errors": []

Card payments using Redirection flow

Using this flow, the payer must be redirected to the webpay page to complete the payment according to the selected payment method (debit, credit or prepaid card).

The status for purchases with cards using redirection will remain Pending until the customer completes the payment. Click here to learn more about redirect purchases.

Request parameters

You need to include specific fields for this payment method to work correctly. Check the Purchase operation article for details on authentication, languages of the response, and basic purchase parameters such as amount and currency.

PaymentMediaIdnumericYesThe PaymentMediaId for this payment method is 112.
Redirection payment is only available for Visa and MasterCard cards
TargetCountryISOstringYesIndicate the destination country.
CustomerEmailstringYesCustomer’s email.
CustomerFirstNamestringYesCustomer’s first name.
CustomerLastNamestringYesCustomer’s last name.
CustomerDocumentTypeIdnumericNoCustomer’s document type.
Refer to the Document types table to see the possible values.
CustomerDocNumberstringNoCustomer’s Document Number.
CustomerPhoneNumberstringNoCustomer’s phone number.
CustomerBillingAddressCountrystringNoCustomer’s Country.
CustomerBillingAddressStatestringNoCustomer’s State.
CustomerBillingAddressCitystringNoCustomer’s City.
CustomerBillingAddressAddressDetailstringNoCustomer’s Address Detail.
CustomerBillingAddressPostalCodestringNoCustomer’s Postal Code.
RedirectionUrl_ApprovedstringNoCallback URL when the purchase status is Approved.
RedirectionUrl_RejectedstringNoCallback URL when the purchase status is Rejected.
RedirectionUrl_CanceledstringNoCallback URL when the purchase status is Canceled.
RedirectionUrl_PendingstringNoCallback URL when the purchase status is Pending.
RedirectionUrl_NotifystringNoWebhook notification URL. The Purchase status is notified to this URL once the payment method processor notifies Bamboo. The notification to this URL is a REST POST with JSON payload instead of redirection. It can also be static and configured by Support Team.
AntifraudDataAntifraudFingerprintIdstringNoSession Id (AntifraudFingerprintId) which is obtained by the javascript function getSessionAntifraud.
CustomerIPstringNoIP of to the customer connected to the commerce website.

Request example

    "PaymentMediaId": 112,
    "Amount": 2000,
    "Currency": "CLP",
    "Installments": 1,
    "TargetCountryISO": "CL",
    "Customer": {
        "Email": ""
    "Redirection": {
        "Url_Approved": "",
        "Url_Rejected": "",
        "Url_Canceled": "",
        "Url_Pending": "",
        "URL_Notify": ""
    "AntifraudData": {
        "AntifraudFingerprintId": "8110f7f0-5fbe-43ae-813c-1392b5346ec2"
    "CustomerIP": "",
    "Description": "this is a test cash purchase"

Response parameters

We return the Purchase with the status Pending for Redirection and a CommerceAction object with ActionReason as REDIRECTION_NEEDED_EXTERNAL_SERVICE and the ActionURL parameter with the external service URL. You must redirect the customer to this URL to finish the payment on the webpay page.


For more information on the response parameters, please refer to the Response parameters section of the Purchase creation.

Response example

    "Response": {
        "PurchaseId": 1133758,
        "Created": "2023-08-31T17:23:47.272",
        "TrxToken": null,
        "Order": null,
        "Transaction": {
            "TransactionID": 1152676,
            "Created": "2023-08-31T17:23:47.272",
            "AuthorizationDate": "",
            "TransactionStatusId": 2,
            "Status": "Pending",
            "ErrorCode": null,
            "Description": " ",
            "ApprovalCode": null,
            "Steps": [
                    "Step": "Generic External",
                    "Created": "2023-08-31T20:23:47.272",
                    "Status": "Pending for Redirection",
                    "ResponseCode": null,
                    "ResponseMessage": null,
                    "Error": null,
                    "AuthorizationCode": null,
                    "UniqueID": null,
                    "AcquirerResponseDetail": null
        "Capture": true,
        "Amount": 2000,
        "OriginalAmount": 2000,
        "TaxableAmount": 0,
        "Tip": 0,
        "Installments": 1,
        "Currency": "CLP",
        "Description": "this is a test cash purchase",
        "Customer": {
            "CustomerId": 88230,
            "Created": "2022-12-08T08:30:35.933",
            "CommerceCustomerId": null,
            "Owner": "Commerce",
            "Email": "",
            "Enabled": true,
            "ShippingAddress": null,
            "BillingAddress": {
                "AddressId": 88894,
                "AddressType": 2,
                "Country": "COL",
                "State": "Antioquia",
                "AddressDetail": "Carrera 80 #30 - 20",
                "PostalCode": null,
                "City": "Medellin"
            "Plans": null,
            "AdditionalData": null,
            "PaymentProfiles": [
                    "PaymentProfileId": 99384,
                    "PaymentMediaId": 112,
                    "Created": "2023-04-11T17:58:12.240",
                    "LastUpdate": "2023-08-31T20:23:46.657",
                    "Brand": "Transbank",
                    "CardOwner": null,
                    "Bin": null,
                    "IssuerBank": null,
                    "Installments": null,
                    "Type": "CreditCard",
                    "IdCommerceToken": 0,
                    "Token": null,
                    "Expiration": null,
                    "Last4": "",
                    "Enabled": false,
                    "DocumentNumber": null,
                    "DocumentTypeId": null,
                    "ExternalValue": null,
                    "AffinityGroup": null
                    "PaymentProfileId": 101557,
                    "PaymentMediaId": 2,
                    "Created": "2023-05-24T21:35:14.387",
                    "LastUpdate": "2023-05-24T21:40:30.700",
                    "Brand": "MasterCard",
                    "CardOwner": "John Doe",
                    "Bin": "529991",
                    "IssuerBank": null,
                    "Installments": null,
                    "Type": "CreditCard",
                    "IdCommerceToken": 40604,
                    "Token": "CT__uYBBUihIydvI--7Pyl8U665OfY_kbX2GGUsAV93Sj0k_",
                    "Expiration": "203008",
                    "Last4": "0015",
                    "Enabled": true,
                    "DocumentNumber": "74857601",
                    "DocumentTypeId": 2,
                    "ExternalValue": "0224d9a155f229d17a966c8f331978dd06df92dcc305fddb9535befe8d7bf999",
                    "AffinityGroup": null
                    "PaymentProfileId": 252287,
                    "PaymentMediaId": 1,
                    "Created": "2023-07-31T18:23:43.257",
                    "LastUpdate": "2023-07-31T18:23:43.257",
                    "Brand": "VISA",
                    "CardOwner": "Jhon Doe",
                    "Bin": "405188",
                    "IssuerBank": "Visa",
                    "Installments": "1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16;17;18;19;20;21;22;23;24",
                    "Type": "CreditCard",
                    "IdCommerceToken": 41630,
                    "Token": "CT__01dPtulDMY-yaNLK0D4isQhI2h7Angq5R5aAyNExBiM_",
                    "Expiration": "202912",
                    "Last4": "6623",
                    "Enabled": true,
                    "DocumentNumber": null,
                    "DocumentTypeId": null,
                    "ExternalValue": null,
                    "AffinityGroup": null
            "CaptureURL": "",
            "UniqueID": null,
            "URL": "",
            "FirstName": "John",
            "LastName": "Doe",
            "DocNumber": "139899768",
            "DocumentTypeId": 4,
            "PhoneNumber": "12345672",
            "ExternalValue": null
        "RefundList": null,
        "PlanID": null,
        "UniqueID": null,
        "AdditionalData": null,
        "CustomerUserAgent": null,
        "CustomerIP": "",
        "URL": "",
        "DataUY": {
            "IsFinalConsumer": false,
            "Invoice": null,
            "TaxableAmount": 0
        "DataDO": {
            "Invoice": null,
            "Tax": 0
        "Acquirer": {
            "AcquirerID": 66,
            "Name": "Transbank",
            "CommerceNumber": null
        "CommerceAction": {
            "ActionType": 1,
            "ActionURL": "",
            "ActionBody": null,
            "ActionSessionId": "CA_2bccb515-9a4e-4946-89e7-2bfffc22c439"
        "PurchasePaymentProfileId": 99384,
        "LoyaltyPlan": null,
        "DeviceFingerprintId": null,
        "MetadataIn": null,
        "MetadataOut": null,
        "CrossBorderData": null,
        "CrossBorderDataResponse": {
            "TargetCountryISO": "CL",
            "TargetCurrencyISO": "CLP",
            "TargetAmount": 20
        "Redirection": null,
        "IsFirstRecurrentPurchase": false,
        "AntifraudData": {
            "AntifraudFingerprintId": "8110f7f0-5fbe-43ae-813c-1392b5346ec2",
            "AntifraudMetadataIn": null
        "PaymentMediaId": null,
        "PurchaseType": 1,
        "HasCvv": null,
        "TargetCountryISO": null
    "Errors": []

Testing cards

Use the following cards to simulate the different status of the purchase. These cards apply for both API and redirection flow.

For approved purchases

BrandPANCVVExpiration DateType

For rejected purchases

BrandPANCVVExpiration DateType
Last modified June 24, 2024

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