Cash Payments

Learn how to integrate your solution to process payments with Alternative Payment Methods.

Pago Fácil

Pago Fácil provides a network of physical payment centers where your customers can pay their purchases in cash. Your customers must provide their payment information and the amount they wish to pay, and the system takes care of the rest.

Request parameters


You need to include specific fields for this payment method to work correctly. Check the Purchase operation article article for detailed information on authentication, basic purchase parameters, and response languages.

Mandatory and conditional

PaymentMethodstringYesFind the value in the table Payment Method.
CustomerEmailstringYesCustomer’s email.
CustomerFirstNamestringYesCustomer’s first name.
CustomerLastNamestringYesCustomer’s last name.
CustomerAddressStatestringNo*Customer’s State.
*This parameter is required to calculate II.BB Tax. Refer to provinces to know its possible values.
MetaDataInPaymentExpirationInMinutesnumericNoConfigure the expiration time for the payment using this field, specifying the duration in minutes. The API applies a default value if you don’t provide this information.

Request example

    "PaymentMethod": "PFC",
    "Order": "CH2023-001",
    "Amount": 100000,
    "Currency": "ARS",
    "Description": "Purchase Test",
    "TargetCountryISO": "AR",
    "Customer": {
        "FirstName": "Joao",
        "LastName": "Silva",
        "Email": "",
    "MetaDataIn": {
        "PaymentExpirationInMinutes": "7200"

Response parameters

In the response, you will find the following parameters:

ResponseActionURLstringURL to where you need to redirect the customer to get the payment information.
ResponseMetadataOutPaymentCodestringPayment reference generated by Pago Fácil.
ResponseMetadataOutPaymentExpirationDatedateDate when the payment will expire.
Format DD/MM/YYYY.

You must redirect your customer to the URL displayed in the parameter Response.Action.URL, where they can print the voucher and complete the payment in a Pago Fácil office.


Response example

    "TransactionId": "79632697147789184",
    "Result": "ACTION_REQUIRED",
    "Status": "PENDING",
    "ErrorCode": null,
    "ErrorDescription": null,
    "Created": "2024-08-07T17:51:54.620",
    "AuthorizationDate": null,
    "AuthorizationCode": null,
    "Amount": 100000,
    "Currency": "ARS",
    "Installments": 1,
    "TaxableAmount": null,
    "Tip": null,
    "Url": "",
        "PaymentCode": "1130909",
        "PaymentExpirationDate": "20/08/2023"
    "Action": {
        "SessionId": "CA_a4032a2a-25ae-4f5f-a8bb-fb2e5ab2ae3c",
        "URL": "",
     "PaymentMethod": {
        "Brand": "PagoFacil",
        "CardOwner": null,
        "Bin": null,
        "IssuerBank": null,
        "Type": "PhysicalNetwork",
        "Expiration": null,
        "Last4": null
Last modified February 20, 2025

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