Credit and Debit cards
Learn how to integrate your solution to process credit or debit card payments.
This section shows the available payment methods, currencies, and related information you must consider when processing in Argentina.
PaymentMethod or PaymentMediaID | Name | Purchase | Authorization | Full refund | Partial Refund | Type | |
VSC - 1 | VISA | Credit Card | |||||
MCC - 2 | MasterCard | Credit Card | |||||
VSC - 3 | American Express | Credit Card | |||||
VSD - 6 | Visa Débito | Debit Card | |||||
VSP - 7 | Visa Prepago | Prepaid Credit Card | |||||
PSC - 11 | PassCard | Credit Card | |||||
MCD - 13 | MasterCard Débito | Debit Card | |||||
MCP - 14 | MasterCard Prepago | Prepaid Credit Card | |||||
CBC - 17 | Cabal | Credit Card | |||||
PFC - 61 | Pago Fácil | Cash | |||||
QRA - 72 | QR Code - Transferencias 3.0 | Bank Transfer | |||||
BTU - 532 | Bank Transfer | Bank Transfer |
Code | Description | Mode |
USD | US Dollar | CrossBorder |
ARS | Argentine Peso | Domestic and CrossBorder |
Cards | Cash | Transfers and Wallets | |
Minimum | ARS 1 | ARS 1 | ARS 1 |
Maximum | ARS 99.999.999.999.999.999 | ARS 1.000.000,00 | ARS 3.345.000,00 USD 12.500,00 |
The following table describes the valid document types for Argentina:
DocumentType | DocumentTypeID (legacy API) | Document name | Abbreviation |
DNI.AR | 4 | Documento Nacional de Identidad | DNI |
CUIL.AR | 5 | Código único de Identificación Laboral | CUIL |
CUIT.AR | 309 | Código único de Identificación Tributaria | CUIT |
When creating the Purchase in Argentina, and you want to include the province in the field customer.state
, configure any of the following values:
Province | Code for customer.state |
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires | C |
Buenos Aires | B |
Catamarca | K |
Chaco | H |
Chubut | U |
Córdoba | X |
Corrientes | W |
Entre Ríos | E |
Formosa | P |
Jujuy | Y |
La Pampa | L |
La Rioja | F |
Mendoza | M |
Misiones | N |
Neuquén | Q |
Río Negro | R |
Salta | A |
San Juan | J |
San Luis | D |
Santa Cruz | Z |
Santa Fe | S |
Santiago del Estero | G |
Tierra del Fuego | V |
Tucumán | T |
Learn how to integrate your solution to process credit or debit card payments.
Learn how to integrate your solution to process payments with Alternative Payment Methods.
Learn how to integrate your solution to process payments with Alternative Payment Methods.